If you have information on a suspected, planned, or openly voiced targeted act of violence that may occur, call 911 immediately.

When a person is planning an act of targeted violence, they usually exhibit pre-attack behaviors – many of which relate to an emotional or mental health crisis or problematic interpersonal interactions – which can be resolved with intervention.

By bringing concerning behavior to the attention of ROCTAC, individuals skilled in targeted violence prevention, will assess and manage the situation. Many times, this work results in guiding a person away from a path of violence.

You should contact ROCTAC to report a threat if a classmate, co-worker, partner, family member, friend, or neighbor is demonstrating concerning behavior such as:

  • Obsession over grievances 
  • Expressions of injustice and need for revenge
  • Identifying with past violent assailants
  • Sudden or inappropriate, or excessive consumption of violent media and content
  • Sudden change in personality and/ or appearance
  • Threatening and/ or stalking behavior 
  • Suspicious inquiries
  • Probing security measures
  • Acquiring and/ or stockpiling of weapons
  • Workplace violence
  • School violence
  • Domestic violence
  • Acts of physical aggression 


Report a threat by calling 585-753-4881 or by completing our referral form. If you choose, you can remain anonymous. Information shared is confidential.

You can reach ROCTAC by phone or email by visiting our secured, confidential contact page.